Our Curriculum

A truly bespoke learning journey

The curriculum offered within our schools is meticulously designed to develop a community of lifelong learners who are empowered to thrive, contribute, and lead in our diverse local and national communities.

Rooted in the values of the Horizon Group, our curriculum is child-centred, inclusive, and prioritises the holistic well-being of every learner.

We hold our students to high standards, offering both challenge and support to encourage them to reach their full potential. Our goal is to inspire and motivate every student to set ambitious goals and achieve their very best.

Our curriculum is a dynamic blend of knowledge, infused with key concepts, attributes, and skills tailored to each learner's personal, social, and academic development. By enhancing life chances and opening doors to opportunities, we prepare students for success beyond the classroom.

Maintaining an active and positive partnership with parents and carers is integral to our approach. We keep families informed about the curriculum, enabling them to actively contribute to their children's learning journey throughout their time at Horizon.

Additionally, we are committed to supporting the ongoing professional development of our teaching staff through our Emerging Leader and Manager Upskilling Programme. By providing resources, training, and guidance, we ensure that our teaching professionals are equipped to deliver an enriching and impactful educational experience.

Above all, our curriculum reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of educational quality and continuously seek out innovative approaches and best practices to enhance student learning outcomes.

Through ongoing assessment, reflection, and collaboration, we strive to continuously improve our curriculum to ensure that it remains responsive to the evolving needs of our students and the broader community.

Our ambition is to:

  • Stimulate professional dialogue within and between staff teams and schools.

  • Create a safe and secure learning culture within our schools offering both challenge and support to encourage pupils to reach their full potential.

  • Support our learners to flourish, create, innovate, and achieve through high-quality learning experiences accessible to all.

  • Support learners’ physical development, foster responsibility for their own health, and enable them to remain active.

  • Reflect the latest educational thinking so that each learner is equipped with the subject-specific knowledge and skills to achieve progression and experience continuity in learning.

  • Prepare our learners for the next stage in their educational journey having achieved the best possible personal, social, and academic outcomes, regardless of their starting point.

Key concepts, attributes and skills

Our schools embed subject-specific concepts, attributes, and skills, enabling learners to gain an understanding of local, national, and global perspectives, with a strong sense of self-identity and social responsibility with high aspirations.

We also enable learners to develop a genuine love and enjoyment of learning characterised by positive behaviours including resilience, perseverance, and resourcefulness with the confidence to learn.

At Horizon, we foster an environment where learners are encouraged to embrace both support and challenge as they embark on their educational journey. By building upon their existing knowledge and experiences, we empower students to strive for excellence and take ownership of their learning.

We believe in the importance of instilling a sense of responsibility in our students, inspiring them to actively engage in school and community life. Through the development of transferable skills that are applicable across various practical contexts, students are equipped to navigate real-world challenges with confidence.

Across our schools, we are committed to promoting a worldview that is tolerant and well-informed. We do not align ourselves with any particular political, cultural, or religious affiliations, instead prioritising open-mindedness and respect for diverse perspectives.

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Horizon Care and Education Group Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales (company no. 06454959)

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